This has been my view from Savasana for the last 1.5 years, every day. Moopy is a lazy dog and refuses to leave his bed (into which I must tuck him every night, not forgetting to turn on his electric blanket) until at least 9am.
In other news, real life classes start up again next week as of May 17th (as long as there are no last-minute changes in regulations). This means on Wednesdays, 7-8pm, my Foundational class in Crathes Village Hall recommences. It’s £8 for a drop in, or £28 for a block of four classes. Spaces are limited to 15 people (regulation stuff), so do let me know if you are coming so I can hold you a space.
ALSO, I shall now be teaching on Tuesday nights at Love Yoga studio in the city centre. The fine details aren’t quite finalised so I’ll post more about that when I know exact start times etc.
Online classes shall continue too, as you guys have demanded it to be so! I love these Zoom sessions, so I am very glad they can carry on. They are are donation based and run 7-8pm every Monday night. All links are in the classes section of the website.