It’s time! Charlie and I are delighted to announce our new 2022 workshop this September the 10th and the 11th at Love Yoga, Aberdeen, UK.
Titled “The Science and Intuition of Yoga”, the overarching theme of this weekend is the intersection of Western Science with Eastern Philosophy. Both coming from a scientific background (Immunology and Neuroscience) we constantly seek connections between modern Western and ancient Eastern models of the human condition. For us there is more that unites than divides these, as we hope to demonstrate with this workshop.

Saturday, 10-12am
Jumping into and back from postures physically challenges even the most experienced of yogis. Here, we will break down the many elements of this vinyasa technique, building it from the ground up, whilst also exploring and demonstrating the mental and energetic aspects of such a dynamic movement in relation to Yogic Philosophy, specifically the Gunas.
Saturday, 1-3pm
A fundamental part of yoga is the breath, and as science advances we are beginning to learn why so much importance was placed on it by ancient yogis. This module aims to explain the many beneficial effects of conscious nasal breathing, using both Western science and Eastern philosophy, with experiments and specific pranayama to help you experience these for yourself.
Sunday 10-12am
It is one thing to practise physical postures, but another to truly connect these body-movements to emotional and energetic experience. Join us as we explore the mind/body connection, and how it bears out directly in everyday life. Experimenting with different intentions and approaches to practise, we’ll investigate what asana could reveal about your inner life and workings.
Sunday 1-3pm
This final section shall refer back to all the preceding parts of the weekend, drawing from scientific data, yogic philosophy and experiential intuition to form a coherent picture of why yoga is so beneficial for our wellbeing. Through experimentation, play and discussion, we hope to highlight the many parallels that run between Western and Eastern understanding of humanity.
Each module is £30, with the whole weekend being discounted to £100 if you can make it along to all four sections.
Book your places via Charlie’s booking page; it functions much the same as mine.
Select the date and appropriate modules that you would like to attend, then you will be able to pay online.
Let me know if you have any issues, and see you all then!