Crathes Yogis, don’t forget that due to a double-booking at the Crathes Village Hall class is not on Wednesday this week but FRIDAY (8th) instead, 19:00-20:00. I’ve been assured that this is the last double booking we shall see for a while… We will be back to the usual Wednesday evenings the following week, running on 11th/18th of December. There will then be a fortnight off with class recommencing in 2020 on January 8th.
Westhill Yogis: there will be no December classes. As these have remained extremely quiet in terms of attendance, this coming week has been cancelled as folk are away. Westdyke Leisure Centre is then being used a polling station on the 12th, and then there is Boxing Day followed by New Year madness. I truly hope numbers pick up with the January kick, as I am now weighing up whether or not this class will persist into 2020. If you are hoping to come along, let your presence be felt January 9th before it is is too late!

are seemingly on borrowed time…