Oliver Charlie Plank Crow 2024 Yoga by charlie charcoal yoga

Aberdeen Workshop 2024

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We’re happy to announce our annual 2024 Aberdeen workshop: “What’s In A Name?” at Love Yoga, September 14/15th

So often we practice poses without ever giving their titles a second thought, and yet there is so much conveyed in the name of a posture! We’re going to try and remedy this by exploring some of the different monikers of asana, and why they matter on a physical but also metaphorical level. We’ll use many lenses to do this, including anatomical, mythological and energetic.

This workshop comprises four modules – you can attend the entire weekend or individual slots:


Four Legged Friends – 07:30-09:30
Here we’ll look a number of postures named after four legged creatures, as we try to break down their shared qualities and themes. We will work physically on the poses, but also break into discussion to clarify how the essence of our quadrupede friends can inform our practices. This module includes asana, pranayama and discussion.

Birds of a Feather – 10:00-12:00
In this module we’ll investigate a number of common bird postures, highlighting how they connect to one another physically and metaphorically. We will work on the poses themselves, but also talk about how the essence of our avian friends can deepen our practices. This module includes asana, pranayama and discussion.


Sages and Saints – 07:30-09:30
In this module we’ll look at a number of postures named after Hindu saints. We will work on the poses but also discuss how an understanding of the ancient sages can help unlock new levels of experience in the practice beyond the physical. This module includes asana, pranayama and discussion.

Demons and Darkness – 10:00-12:00
Here we’ll examine a few of the asana named after demons. We will work on the poses but also closely focus on the nature of the demonic in Hindu mythos, and how this can give us a fuller understanding of these postures beyond the purely physical. This module includes asana, pranayama and discussion.

All are welcome!

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