The first online class last week was most definitely a success. I have footage of it over on my social media (Instagram & Facebook) if you want to watch it crammed into one minute, accompanied by a quick and dirty bit of music I threw together. I love how staccato everyone moves when sped up x5; maybe I should teach my classes at that speed from now on!
This foundational class runs every Tuesday evening, 7-8pm on Zoom. It’s free to join with optional Paypal donations if you wish. I’d say this class is appropriate for everyone, regardless of experience level. Currently I am toying with the idea of doing a much stronger class on Monday nights, for those of you that crave a challenge.
Just remember, it’s all about the breath, not the asana.
Thanks to all that attended / donated.
Class link: https://zoom.us/s/993694757
Paypal link: https://www.paypal.me/charcoalyoga