Despite being in lockdown, I am pleased to say that I shall be doing two online classes. At the moment only one is definitely scheduled; a foundational class on Tuesday evenings, 7-8pm. This will be similar to the class I have been teaching in Crathes Hall on Wednesday evenings, but most likely slightly simplified as I won’t be able to see alignment clearly, physically adjust etc. I think the other class will probably be a stronger one, most probably on Monday evenings.
The class shall be free, with a voluntary donation if you wish. Animals and children (and partners) are also welcome!
The classes shall be hosted on Zoom, but you don’t need an account to join. Just follow the link, input your name and email address and you will appear with the rest of the group!
Link for Foundational Tuesday night online class: https://zoom.us/s/993694757
Link for voluntary Paypal donations: https://www.paypal.me/charcoalyoga
Looking forward to seeing you all again, and keeping our little community active